Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Starting Year Two

I realize that I'm really bad about keeping up with my blogs, my Twitter, etc., but I really do need to get better! I have a Google Keep file called, "Daily TOSA," and I added blogging to the list most recently. So hopefully that gets me writing just a bit more.

The beginning of this year reminded me quite quickly that "things change" and "everything ends." I had to say a not-so-permanent goodbye to my old partner and say hello to my new one. I say not-so-permanent because she is still in the district. She got promoted to VP at the middle school. So that's awesome for her! And another TOSA retired, and the district hired someone to fill her position. And both of the new TOSAs are awesome and really easy to get along with.

It is weird, though, being the guy who has to guide these new TOSAs to some degree. I mean, I'm not telling them how to do their job, but I'm basically just showing them the ropes. It feels weird because I still feel as though I, myself, could be shown the ropes a bit more. But hey, you gotta roll with the punches, right?

I consider myself lucky. Last year, I had a great partner who really helped me get my sea-legs and inspire confidence that I can do this. I am lucky to get the opportunity to do the same this year. It could have been a lot worse... My new partners in crime could be hard-headed jerks who disagree with everything I say and do. Luckily, they seem like pretty even-keel folks who will get along with me swimmingly.

So I'll bring this post to a close since I have stuff to work on this week. I know, it is only Wednesday of the first week back, and I feel like I'm swamped already. But I guess I'd rather hit the ground running rather than try to find stuff to do.

Hopefully, I'll keep you updated a bit more from now on.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Year-End Blues

So we are quickly coming up on the end of the year, and it is hard to expect the unexpected (Even when you know to do so).

Monica, my Tech TOSA partner, is moving up the ladder. I'm really sad to see her go, but I am happy that she is seizing new opportunities. That means I have a new partner next year to help shoulder some of the tasks of a Tech TOSA, but it still feels weird. Am I ready to take the lead on this? I think I am, but one can't help but have doubts, right?

Another one of our TOSAs is retiring (Teresa). I'm going to miss her quite a bit. She is not only super helpful, but she is a lot of fun. Really good for morale. I'm glad she was around this year to help me get my sea-legs.

But now that my big project for the month is done (Putting Summer School together on really short notice), I can kind of focus on my plan of attack for next year. I think next year will go smoothly, but there is no telling for sure.

I'm crossing my fingers.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Coaching Report Cards (The first "wave")

So this is my first entry in my Instructional Tech Coach (ITC) blog, and it's about coaching report cards.

I gleaned this idea from a guy at CUE. In short, send out a Google Form with some questions regarding my performance to see where I can improve. And yes, as a form-filler, you can remain anonymous. So yesterday, I sent out the form, and I only got two responses back. Hopefully I get more, but as of now, it's looking kind of bleak.

One of my responses was quite nice. All 4's. The teacher left his name. It made me feel nice.

Another one was not as great. I got a good amount of 4's, but I got 2's on "Is available when I need him" and "Is open to all ideas and not just his own agenda." I wasn't really sure how to feel about this. I kind of wish I knew which teacher had said those things because they did not leave any feedback for how to improve.

I'm new to this job, and I have been busting my hump trying to be anywhere and everywhere I am asked to be. So I am honestly curious as to who I may have blown off. Of course, I'm not interested so I can "give them a piece of my mind," but I really want to know where I went wrong for this particular teacher. Honestly, I love this job, and I think this is where I'm best suited. But I want to make sure my Ts think that, too.

Hopefully some more report cards come in. Hopefully those responses have some more constructive feedback in addition to those numbers. But until then, I am going to keep a sharp eye on what I'm doing, who I'm serving, and who may be feeling UNDERserved.

Wish me luck!